Mike Rav

Q: So Why did you choose Plymouth?

My junior year of high school we started tuning into the snowboard world and you know, senior year obviously we started looking for colleges. My buddy Nick and I were dead set on ,“We are gonna be snowboarders', so from there it was like okay what is the next step? Both of us grew up in a superficial white suburban world so college is what you do, there are no questions. Plymouth actually was the only school I got into pretty much. I didn't get into any other school. I was terrible in high school I had like a 2.4 GPA. I dunno how I got into Plymouth, but it was like the greatest blessing of my life . Me and nick visited and because of Wachussett Mountain, where we snowboarded, we knew this guy Andre Beriau he was a senior when we visited, so he was only 4 years older than us, but he's a smart guy, so he sees a young kid thats trying to find his way, and knew how he could help facilitate that, so he invited us to stay. I remember my friend's mom drove us up to Plymouth after school on a Friday, dropped us off and stayed at his house. We rode Loon the next day then went to this small snowboard gathering and there were guys like Chris Carr, Ryan Stephany, Andre, Ted Lavoie and Victoria Saunders. It was so chill, but you could just tell that these people cared about each other.

From there we were going to Plymouth no questions asked. It was 100% because it was close to Loon and there were snowboarders that already went there. Chris Carr was gonna be pro in maybe two years, so it was like the best option on the east coast 100%. It was a small crew, but we were all laser focused on snowboarding and anything that came around that.

Photo by Cole Martin

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Mike hand planting the top of the Ticket booth at Tenny Mountain, also known as “The Witches Hat”. Photo by Cole Martin